How to Prepare for SHTF
If you’re planning to survive a disaster or a SHTF situation, one of the best ways to be prepared is to stock up on emergency supplies. In addition to the essentials such as food and water, you should also purchase a face mask, mini sewing kit, and shelf-stable medications. If you’re unsure where to begin, check out our checklist for preparing for emergencies. It includes everything from a small sewing kit to sterile bandages.
Stockpiling sterile bandages
While stockpiling sterile bandages may seem like a simple task, most people won’t consider making their own. The important thing to remember is that a bandage is only effective if it’s clean. You can’t be 100% sure it’s free of microbial contaminants, but you can be sure that sterile items will significantly reduce the risk of wound infection and local spread of bacteria. Stockpiling sterile bandages will help you prepare for SHTF by providing you with the medical supplies you will need in the event of an emergency.
Getting a face mask
Whether you’re preparing for the end of the world or a looming natural disaster, the first step to surviving a global catastrophe is to get a face mask. Unfortunately, the vast majority of face masks available online are surplus items, outdated, impractical, or dangerous clones. Rather than relying on the latest technology, many prepper clones are made with outdated Soviet technology that contain asbestos and chromium filters. Luckily, there are some highly qualified masks available today.
If you don’t feel comfortable purchasing a face mask online, there are many cheaper alternatives available. A 3M 6000 face mask is a popular choice, and costs only $30. It is also easy to find one in your car or on your bedside table. You can also find a cheap airsoft mask that has been labelled as a gas mask. But be aware that most gas masks aren’t the best choice, and they can run through as many as three filters in a single day.
Stockpiling shelf stable food
If you are prepared for a disaster, you’ll have a lot of different shelf-stable foods on hand. While canned goods are essential for shelf cooking, dry goods will keep forever. They also make a meal extra-filling. Canned produce, freeze-dried foods, and dehydrated foods can also be great to have on hand. Some shelf-stable foods are better suited for a disaster because they don’t spoil very quickly.
You don’t have to make a huge stockpile, or build a special room for it. You can store food in places like a closet or pantry. But don’t forget to make sure it’s air-tight! Foods with high salt content are especially prone to spoilage and will leave you thirsty. To avoid these pitfalls, consider buying one “want” item for each family member, and don’t stockpile too much!
Getting a mini sewing kit
Almost every decent prepper has at least one sewing kit. That’s because in a SHTF scenario, you’re going to have to repair clothes and gear that have been damaged by the elements. Whether it’s a backpack that gets torn apart in the middle of a long hike or a tarp that’s ripped in half, sewing skills are essential. This way, you won’t be stranded without a tool or patch. Not to mention, the skills you’ll learn will come in handy during a survival situation.
Not only is sewing essential, it’s also important for personal hygiene. Without clothes, you’ll be cold, damp, and possibly even exposed to the sun. Disasters are hell on clothes. If your clothes are torn or ripped, you’ll want to get them repaired as quickly as possible. Luckily, many survival kits now include an emergency sewing kit. Depending on how prepared you are for a SHTF event, you’ll want to consider whether this is an essential item or a luxury.